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Zella Technologies CEO talks about IT and Cybersecurity for Modern Businesses

Zella Technologies CEO talks about IT and Cybersecurity for Modern Businesses

Why should modern firms get comprehensive cyber security and IT solution?

Anthony Manzella III, CEO of Zella Technologies and serial entrepreneur, discusses why in our short Q&A.

What is Zella Technologies All About?

Anthony: I’m a self-proclaimed tech geek ever since I was a little kid. I loved taking computers apart and was fascinated by technology. At age 14, I learned what I could about software, networking and security and built a COLO datacenter server to create websites for my friends and family. By 18 I was working as lead network engineer for a local company. Then came Zella Technologies, the business I established in 2010.

What Does Zella Offer?

A: We offer a comprehensive range of VOIP phone services, cyber security, cloud and managed IT services and On-Site/Break Fix. I have a CIO for Hire service where I maximize a businesses’ growth using the ‘AM3 Process’ by connecting them with cutting-edge technology.

Is Your IT Service Limited to a Specific Industry?

A: The beauty of Zella is that our solutions are not limited to a single or several industries. In today’s world everyone needs a smartphone and technology, and all businesses can benefit from IT and cyber security measures.

Why is There a Need for Cybersecurity Solutions?

A: Hackers and cyber-terrorists don’t care if you’re a large corporation or a one-man team. Malicious entities can get ransomware and begin attacking via emails, so it’s very important for all kinds of businesses to get full cybersecurity protection.

What is PII-Protect?

A: PII-Protect is a training program designed to help employees and users. A breach normally happens when someone is tricked into opening an email, attachment or malware. PII-Protect aims to help business owners and their employees by making them aware of these threats.

What’s Next for IT and Cyber Security?

Companies are now starting to realize the flexibility and importance of cloud as they move to a ‘work from home’ business model. In light of COVID-19, those who have Zella Cloud and Cloud Phones were able to adapt quickly, while those who didn’t were left struggling and unable to adapt.

Get more information or follow Anthony Manzella III via Twitter: @amanzella3 Instagram: @anthony_manzella or at