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Zombies and Guns Android App Review

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Zombies and Guns is an Android game developed by INLOGIC GAMES which brings a fun zombie shooter game to the Wild West. The objective is simple – kill all the zombies.


The interface for Zombies and Guns is extremely easy to use and navigate, with big buttons ensuring that you’re not tapping by mistake on buttons. From the main menu you can access the armoury to upgrade/change your weapons, but it is very easy to just pick up and play.


The controls are extremely easy to use, with the onscreen buttons adaquately out of the way of the action so they don’t block the content, and being big enough that they’re easy to press. There is a left and right button, jump buttons, and a fire button. Health is displayed in the top toolbar, as well as any remaining ammo and also your coin earnings.

Whilst your objective is to simply kill all the incoming zombies, you’ll also have to protect other characters from getting attacked. Succeed in doing so and you’ll be rewarded with weapons and coins.


You can use these earned coins to upgrade your weapons and unlock new ones to make killing hordes of zombies that much easier, and fun. There are 9 different weapons to choose from, and each of those weapons has 3 available upgrades.

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It is a great game, with an easy to use user interface, that you can just pick up and play to waste some time. Zombies and Guns is a free to play game on the Google Play Store, with in-app purchases to accelerate your progress by purchasing coins to upgrade your weapons.